Ancient Greek


Image Region Description Notes
Thrace, Cherronesos


  • Hemidrachm
  • c386-338BC
  • Obverse: Forepart of lion right, head reverted
  • Reverse: Quadripartite incuse square; pellet abbove X and grain ear in opposite quarters
  • 2.33gm/12.35mm
  • EX: Tiber Numismatics and Auctions, Auction 2(08 Octobert 2023), lot 107


  • McClean 4101 var. (dot over X)
  • Sear 1606
Thrace, Apollonia Pontika


  • Drachm
  • Mid-Late 4th Century
  • Obverse: Facing gorgoneion; spiral ornament below
  • Reverse: Upright anchor; A and crayfish flanking; all in circular incuse
  • 2.84gm/14.62mm
  • EX: Tiber Numismatics and Auctions, Auction 2(08 Octobert 2023), lot 104


  • SNG BM Black Sea 161
  • SNG Copenhagen 457
  • Sear 1655
Trace, Mesembria


  • Diobol
  • 450-350BC
  • Obverse: Crested helmet
  • Reverse: Radiate wheel of four spokes; M-E-T-A within
  • 1.11gm/10.33mm
  • EX: Tiber Numismatics and Auctions, Auction 2(08 Octobert 2023), lot 111


  • SNG BM Black Sea 268
  • Sear 1673
Cimmerian Bosporos, Pantikapaion


  • Æ26
  • c340-325BC
  • Obverse: Wreathed head of Pan left
  • Reverse: Bow and arrow; in field ΠANTI
  • 11.34gm/26.73mm
  • EX: WCN Electronic Auction 220407(7April 2022), lot 343135


  • MacDonald 59
  • Anokhin 110
  • SNG BM 868
Cimmerian Bosporos, Pantikapaion


  • Æ20
  • c310-304/3BC
  • Obverse: Bearded head of Pan right
  • Reverse: Forepart of griffin left; below, sturgeon left; in a field ΠAN
  • 7.23gm/21.24mm
  • EX: WCN Electronic Auction 220407(7April 2022), lot 343138


  • MacDonald 69
  • Anokhin 111
  • SNG BM Black Sea 869
  • Sear 1700
Thessaly, Larissa


  • AR Hemidrachm
  • Minted late 4th -Early 3rd
  • Obverse: Head of nymph Larissa facing left, hair in ampyx/ΛΑΡΙΣ/ИΩIA
  • Reverse: Horse standing right, preparing to roll; MQ monogram below belly
  • 2.14gm/13.00mm
  • EX: From the BCD Collection sold at CNG E-auction 436(23 Janury 2019), lot 152


  • BCD Thessaly II 340
  • HGC 4, 514
  • Sear 2120
Thessaly, Larissa


  • Æ Dichalkon
  • 380-337BC
  • Obverse: Head of nymph Larissa facing left, hari tied behind
  • Reverse: ΣAIΩN [ΛΑΡI], horse standing right, preparing to roll
  • 4.33gm/16.95mm
  • EX: Tiber Numismatics and Auctions, Auction 1(20 August 2023), lot 144; BCD Collection, BCD ticket stated that it was purchased mid 90's SFr 50


  • Rogers 288
  • cf. SNG Copenhagen 142
  • Sear 2129
Thessaly, Larissa


  • Æ Dichalkon
  • 400-344BC
  • Obverse: Head of the nymph Larissa facing slightly left, wearing grain ears in hair
  • Reverse: Rider, wearing Boeotian helmet and holding lance, on horseback right, Ξ below
  • 5.42gm/22.73mm
  • EX: Tiber Numismatics and Auctions, Auction 3(10 December 2023), lot 8, BCD Collection


  • Rogers 286
  • Sear 2132
Thessaly, Pharsalos


  • AR Hemidrachm
  • Minted 450-400 BC
  • Obverse: Head of Athena right, wearing crested Attic helmet
  • Reverse: F-AP , head of horse right within incuse square
  • 3.02gm/12.00mm
  • EX: From the BCD Collection sold at CNG Electronic Auction 426(8 August 2018). lot 120


  • Lavva 5-47 (unlisted dies)
  • BCD Thessaly II 630 and 632
  • HGC 4, 630
  • Sear 2189
Boeotia, Federal Coinage(Thebes)


  • Hemidrachm
  • 395-340BC
  • Obverse: Boeotian Shield
  • Reverse" Kantharos; above, club right; to right, ivy leaf; B-OI across lower field; all within concave incuse square
  • 2.51gm/13.40mm
  • S EX: From a European Collection formed before 2005 sold at Leu Numismatik Web Auction 27(9 September 2023), lot 386

  • BCD Boeotia 30
  • SNG Copenhagen 173
  • Sear 2385
Euboia, Histiaia


  • Æ14
  • 350-340BC
  • Obverse: Head of nymph Histiaia right
  • Reverse: IƩ TI, forepart of bull right; thunderbolt above
  • 1.93gm/14.65mm
  • EX: Tiber Numismatics and Auctions, Auction 2(08 Octobert 2023), lot 51, BCD Collection


  • BCD Euboia 499
  • Sear 2499
Attica, Athens


  • Hemiobol
  • 454-404BC
  • Obverse: Helmeted head of Athena right wearing crested Attic helmet
  • Reverse: Owl standing right head facing olive sprig and crescent behind all within incuse square
  • 0.33gm/6.55mm
  • EX: From a European Collection formed before 2005 sold at Leu Numismatik Web Auction 27(9 September 2023), lot 419


  • SNG Copenhagen 59-61
  • Sear 2525
Attica, Athens


  • Tetradrachm
  • Minted c454-404BC
  • Obverse: Helmeted head of Athena right wearing crested Attic helmet
  • Reverse: Owl standing right head facing olive sprig and crescent behind all within incuse square
  • 17.90gm/23.50mm
  • EX: CNG E-Auction 457(4 December 2019), lot 67


  • Kroll 8
  • HGC 4, 1597
  • Sear 2526
Ionia, Miletos


  • Dioble
  • Late 6th-early 5th
  • Obverse: Forepart of lion right, head reverted
  • Reverse: Stellate pattern in incuse square
  • 1.09gm/9.17mm
  • EX: Tiber Numismatics and Auctions, Auction 2(08 Octobert 2023), lot 57


  • SNG Kayhan 476–82
  • Sear 3532
Pontos, Amisos


  • Æ21
  • Mithradates VI
  • 120-63BC struck in the time of Mithradated VI Eupator
  • Obverse: Aegis facing
  • Reverse: Nike walking right, holding palm tied with fillet over left shoulder; mongrams left and right, AMI-ΣOΥ
  • 7.71gm/22.30mm
  • EX: Savoca Coins 130th Blue Auction(9 April 2022), lot 240

  • SNG BMC Black Sea 1177-1191
  • Sear 3642
Pontos, Amisos


  • Æ21
  • Mithradates VI
  • 120-63BC
  • Obverse: Aegis facing
  • Reverse: Nike walking right, holding palm tied with fillet over left shoulder; mongrams left and right
  • 7.41gm/21.29mm
  • EX: Bucephalus Numismatic Auction 5(29 April 2022), lot 215


  • SNG BMC Black Sea 1177-1191
  • Sear 3642
Mysia, Kyzikos


  • Diobol
  • c450-400BC
  • Obverse: Forepart of boar; tunny to right
  • Reverse: Head of roaring lion left
  • 1.16gm/9.77mm
  • EX: Savoca Coins 153rd Silver Auction(22 January 2023), lot 81


  • SNG France 361-6
  • Von Fritze II, 9
  • Sear 3846
Mysia, Kyzikos


  • Obol
  • c450-400BC
  • Obverse: Forepart of boar; tunny to right
  • Head of roaring lion left; retrograde K in upper left field
  • 0.80gm/8.69mm
  • EX: Bucephalus Numismatic Auction 5(29 April 2022), lot 295


  • SNG BN 380-384
  • Von Fritze II 15
  • Sear 3848
Mysia, Kyzikos


  • Tetartemorion
  • c450-400BC
  • Obverse: Forepart of boar; tunny to right
  • Reverse: Head of roaring lion left; start to upper left; all within incuse square
  • 0.21gm/6.86mm
  • EX: Bucephalus Numismatic Gold Auction 7(1 Octoberl 2022), lot 239


  • SNG BN 375
  • Von Fritze II 14
  • Sear 3849
Mysia, Lampsakos


  • Æ18
  • 190-185BC
  • Obverse: Laureate head of Apollo right
  • Reverse: Athena Nikephoros standing left
  • 4.81gm/19.05mm
  • EX: Tiber Numismatics and Auctions, Auction 3(10 December 2023), lot 2, Plankernhorn Mysien page 95, number 38(this coin)


  • SNG Copenhagen 220
  • SNG Paris 1238
  • Sear 3912


  • Drachm
  • Struck by Kallixeinos, magistrate
  • 88-84BC
  • Obverse: Radiate head of Helios right
  • Reverse: Rose with bud to right; caduceus to lower left
  • 2.09gm/14.94mm
  • EX: Bertolami E-Auction 113(13 March 2022), lot 371


  • Plinthophoric Coinage, Jenkins, Rhodian, 244
  • HGC 6, 1461
  • Sear 5064


  • Obol
  • Gaza Mint
  • c375-300BC
  • Obverse: Helmeted head of Athena right
  • Reverse: Owl standing right, head facing; olive sprig and crescent behind
  • 0.76gm/7.00mm
  • EX: Harlan J. Berk


  • Gitler & Tal V.21O
  • 6069
Macedon, Alexander III "The Great"


  • Æ1/2 Unit
  • 336-323BC
  • Uncertain mint in Macedon
  • Obverse:Male head right(Applo?), wearing tainia
  • Reverse: Horse prancing right; dolphin below, AΛEΞANΔPOY above
  • 2.76gm/15.84mm
  • EX: Savoca Coins 130th Blue Auction(9 April 2022), lot 71

  • Price 339
  • Forrer/Weber 2150
  • Sear 6744
Macedon, Alexander III "The Great"


  • Æ Unit
  • 336-323BC
  • Obverse: Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin
  • Reverse: Club above AΛEΞANΔPOY, quiver and bow below, no control marks
  • 6.94gm/18.84mm
  • EX: CNG E-Auction 515(4 May 2022), lot 71


  • Price 266
  • Sear 6745

Macedon. Philip III Arrhidaios


  • Drachm
  • 332-317BC
  • Teos Mint, struck under Menander or Kleitos
  • Obverse: Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin
  • Reverse: Zeus Aëtophoros seated left, in left field, griffin seated left
  • 4.15gm/16.00mm
  • EX: From the collection of Dr. Will Gordon sold at CNG E-auction 428(5 September 2018), lot 81


  • Price 2274
  • ANS 1944.100.32072 (same dies)
  • Sear 6751(var)
Macedon. Philip III Arrhidaios


  • Æ Unit
  • 323-319BC
  • Miletos Mintk
  • Obverse: Diademed head of Apollo right
  • Reverse: Youth on horseback right, labrys behind, monogram below, ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ,
  • 4.81gm/19.31mm
  • EX: Savoca Coins 130th Blue Auction(9 April 2022), lot 80

  • Price P64
  • Sear 6754
Macedon, Antigonos II Gonatas


  • Æ Unit
  • 227/6-239BC
  • Uncertain mint in Macedon
  • Obverse: Helmeted head of Athena to right
  • Reverse: Pan erecting trophy;monogram between legs,B-A across fields,[winged Macedonian helmet]l, lagobolon r
  • 4.64gm/18.54mm
  • EX: Savoca Coins 130th Blue Auction(9 April 2022), lot 98


  • SNG Alpha Bank 1020
  • SNG Copenhagen 1205
  • HGC 3.1, 1049
  • Sear 6786
Seleukid Kings of Syria, Demetrios I Soter


  • Drachm
  • 152/1BC
  • Antioch on the Orontes
  • Obverse: Diademed head right
  • Reverse: Conrucopia, ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ, two monograms above AΞP (date)
  • 4.04gm/16.61mm
  • EX: Numismatik Naumann Auction 136(7 January 2024), lot 214


  • SC 1642.3A
  • HGC 9, 806
  • Sear 7019
Seleukid Kings of Syria, Alexander I Balas


  • Drachm
  • 150-146BC
  • Antioch on the Orontes
  • Obverse: Diademed head right, clean shaven, diadem ends falling straight down behind
  • Reverse: Apollo seated left on omphalos, examining arrow in right hand, left resting on grounded bow behind; BAΣIΛΕΩΣ AΛΕΞANΔPOY in two downward lines on the right, ΘΕOΠATOPOΣ ΕYΕPΓΕTOY in two downward lines on the left
  • 4.09gm/18.30mm
  • EX: DNW 276(18 July 2023), lot 1129; Collection of John Aiello sold in 2088 by Forum Ancient Coins, stock number G531747

  • Houghton-Lorber II 1785(6)b
  • SNG Fitzwilliam 5698
  • SNG Spaer 1408 var
  • HGC 9 887a
  • Sear 7035
Seleukid Kings of Syria, Antiochos VII Eurgetes Sidets


  • Tetradrachm
  • 138-129BC
  • Antioch on the Orontes
  • Obverse: Diademed head right
  • Reverse: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟY - EYEPΓETOY, Athena Nikephoros standing left; to outer left, monogram above A; all within laurel wreath
  • 16.26gm/28.84mm
  • EX: Numismad Auctions Auction 9(8 September 2023), lot 561


  • SC 2061.1h = 2061.2;
  • HGC 9, 1067d
  • Sear 7092
Kings of Cappadocia, Ariarathes IX Eusebes Philopator


  • Drachm
  • 97/6BC
  • Obverse: Diademed head right, with Mithradatic style portrait
  • Reverse: Athena Nikephoros standing left; monogram to inner left, Δ(date) in exergue
  • 4.05gm/18.91mm
  • EX: CNG E-Auction 503(3 December 2021), lot 234


  • Simonetta 4 var. (slightly different monogram)
  • HGC 7, 845 (mint A)
  • DCA 459
  • Sear 7298
Parthia, Praates IV


  • Drachm
  • 38-2BC
  • Mint: Ecbatana
  • Obverse: Bust left with pointed beard wearing diadem and segmented necklet, wart visible on forehead; in front, star above crescent; behind, eagle flying left with diadem; circular border of pellets
  • Reverse: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ ΑΡΣΑΚΟΥ ΕΥΕΡΓΕΤΟΥ ΔΙΚΑΙΟΥ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ ΦΙΛΕΛΛΗΝΟΣ, archer(Arsakes I) seated right wearing bashlyk and cloak on throne holding bow, monogram below bow
  • 3.67gm/17.57mm
  • EX: From the J.K. Biblical Collection sold in CNG Electronic Auction 553(4 January 2024), lot 198; CNG Electronic Auction 303(29 May 2013), lot 122; Elvira Clain-Stefanelli Collection(sold prevously as the "Demarete Collection")

  • Sellwod 54.7
  • Shore 298
  • Sear 7474
Baktria, Greco-Bakrian Kingdom, Eukratides I Megas


  • Obol
  • 170-145BC
  • Obverse: Diademed, draped bust right, wearing helmet adorned with bull's horn & ear
  • Reverse: [BAΣ]IΛEΩ[Σ] EYKPΑTIΔOY,Caps of the Dioskouroi, each with palm frond; monogram below
  • 0.51gm/10.62mm
  • EX: Tiber Numismatics and Auctions, Auction 2(08 Octobert 2023), lot 34


  • Bopearachchi 9C
  • Sear 7578


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