Ancient Roman

Roman Coins of the London Mint


In keeping with my main collecting area English hammered coins I have started to acquire Roman coins from the London mint.


Image Emperor Description Notes
Maximinus II Daia


  • Æ Follis
  • c311-c312AD
  • London
  • Obverse: IMP MAXIMINVS P F AUG, laureate and cuirassed bust right
  • Reverse: GENIO POP ROM, Genius standing left, towered crown on head, loins draped, right hand holding patera, left cornucopiae, –|*//PLN
  • 4.37gm/21.65mm
  • EX: CNG Keystone Auction 11(3 March 2023), lot 238

  • RIC VI 209b
  • Sear 14856
  • C&T 7.05.011
Licinius I


  • Æ Follis
  • c314AD
  • London
  • Obverse: IMP LICINIVS P F AVG, Laureate and cuirassed bust right
  • Reverse: GENIO POP ROM, Genius standing left, towered crown on head, loins draped, right hand holding patera, left cornucopiae S|F//PLN
  • EX: CNG Keystone Auction 11(3 March 2023), lot 241
  • 3.01gm/20.53mm


  • RIC VII 3
  • Sear 15184
  • C&T 8.02.005
Constantine I


  • Æ Follis
  • 307AD
  • London
  • Obverse: CONSTANTINUS P AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust right
  • Reverse: ADVENTIVS AVG, emperor riding left, right hand raised, left holding up spear, on horse pawing seated captive to left, star/PLN
  • 3.94gm/22.10mm
  • From the DiMarzio Collection of London Mint sold at CNG Electronic Auction 526(11 November 2022), lot 677; purchased from Lee Toone (Hookmoor Ancient Coins), 6 November 2016. Ex CT Collections, purchased from Chris Baker on eBay for £70, April 2012


  • RIC VI 137
  • Sear 15505
  • C&T 7.01.009(this coin illustrated)
Constantine I


  • Æ Follis
  • 314AD
  • London
  • Obverse: IMP CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust right
  • Reverse: SOLI INVICTO COMITI, Sol standing left, chlamys across left shoulder, raising right hand, globe in left hand, S-F/PLN
  • 3.33gm/20.51mm
  • EX: Aquila Numismatics Auction 2(7 May 2002), lot 791


  • RIC VII 10
  • Sear 16050
  • C&T 8.05.15
Constantine I


  • Æ Follis
  • 315AD
  • London
  • Oberse: IMP CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust right
  • Reverse: SOLI INVICTO COMITI, Sol standing left, chlamys across left shoulder, raising right hand, globe in left hand, S-F/MSL
  • 3.57gm/22.24mm
  • EX: Lodge Antiquities(John Cummings)

  • RIC VII 43
  • S 16052
  • C&T 8.04.004
Constantine I


  • Æ Follis
  • 314AD
  • London
  • Obverse: IMP CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate and cuirassed bust right
  • Reverse: SOLI INVICTO COMITI, Sol standing left, chlamys across left shoulder, raising right hand, globe in left hand, S-P/MSL
  • 3.08gm/19.20mm
  • From the DiMarzio Collection of London Mint sold at CNG Electroinc Auction 516(18 May 2022), lot 603; ArtCoins Roma Auction 9(29 April 2014), lot 818


  • VII
  • Sear 16054
  • C&T 8.06.007
Constantine I


  • Æ Follis
  • 319AD
  • London
  • Obverse: IMP CONSTANTINVS MAX AVG, laureate, helmeted and cuirassed bust
  • Reverse: VICTORIAE LAETAE PRIN PERP, two Victories standing facing holding shield on column inscribed VOT/PR, /PLN
  • 2.89gm/18.90mm
  • EX: Savoca Coins 130th Blue Auction(10 April 2022), lot 1076


  • RIC VII 154
  • Sear 16295
  • C&T 9.01.001


  • Æ 3/Follis
  • 324AD
  • London
  • Obverse IVL CRISPVS NOB C, laureate head right
  • Reverse: CAESARVM NOSTRORVM, laurel wreath enclosing VOT/X in two lines
  • 2.71gm/18.83mm

  • VII 291
  • Sear 16759
  • C&T 10.01.005
Constantine II


  • Æ Follis
  • 320-321AD
  • London
  • Obverse: CONSTANTINVS IVN N C, Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust left
  • Reverse: BETA TRANQVILLITAS, globe on altar inscribed VOT/IS/ XX in three lines; three stars above/ PLON
  • 2.94gm/19.44mm
  • EX: Savoca Coins 130th Blue Auction(10 April 2022), lot 1076


  • RIC VII 236
  • Sear 17151
  • C&T 9.03.021
Constantius II


  • Æ Follis
  • c320AD
  • London
  • Obverse: CONSTANTINVS IVN NC, radiate bust left wearing imperial mantle
  • Reverse: VIRTVS EXERCIT, sandard incribed VOT/XX in two lines standing on ground, captives seated on either side. /PLON
  • 2.64gm/19.08mm
  • EX: CNG Keystone Auction 11(3 March 2023), lot 245


  • VII 184
  • Sear 17284
  • C&T 9.02.019
Constantius II


  • Æ Follis
  • 324-325AD
  • London
  • Obverse: FLA CONSTANTIVS NOB C, Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust right
  • Reverse: PROVIDENTIAE CAESS, camp/city gate with to turrets, without doors, star above, six stone layers, –|–//PLON
  • 3.32gm/19.42mm
  • From the DiMarzio Collection of London Mint sold at CNG Electronic Auction 526(11 November 2022), lot 716; Numismatica Ars Classica R(17 May 2007), lot 1634;

  • RIC VII 297
  • Sear 17616
  • C&T 10.02.05(this coin illustrated)


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